Title: Covet

Series: The Fallen Angels
Book #: 1
Author: J. R. Ward
Pages: 496
Publisher: Signet
Reading Level: Adult
Spotlight: Writing

"Seven Crossroads.
Seven sins.
One Savior."
Redemption isn't a word Jim Heron knows much about—his specialty is revenge, and to him, sin is all relative. But everything changes when he becomes a fallen angel and is charge with saving the souls of seven people from the seven deadly sins. And failure is not an option.
Vin DiPietro long ago sold his soul to his business, and he’s good with that—until fate intervenes in the form of a tough-talking, Harley-riding, self-professed savior. But then he meets a woman who will make him question his destiny, his sanity, and his heart—and he has to work with a fallen angel to win her over and redeem his own soul.
Jim Heron has a dark past. The things he has done could make you shiver. Which is why it's surprising when he becomes a fallen angel and is charged with saving the souls of seven people from the seven deadly sins. Although if you want balance between white and dark I guess you have got yourself a perfect choice. His first assignment's name is Vin diPietro a business name with no heart. Jim has no idea how to save this man's soul, but he does know something and that is that failure ain't an option.
This was a great start to a new series. The first pages were a little slow and stuff because well it is a new series and you are tying to learn who this new main character is and if you like him but after you get over that you start to read the good stuff. It wasn't as great a start as Dark Lover, but come on what could surpass that?
It is very interesting how J. R. Ward cannot only create two different worlds but she can also combine them and make them work together. I spent parts of the book looking for glimpses of The Black Dagger Brotherhood -the main girl even crashes into Phury! It's a complicated world but at the same time it ain't There is a lot going on at the same time because the author is juggling with not one but 3 stories at the same time and making them come together. Which at the end they do.
Jim Heron. I think he is a great choice for a fallen angel. He as deadly as he is kind, which forms the ying-yang thing the angels and demons need in a person. Jim's destiny is to either save the world from damnation or make it as if it never existed. So I guess the guy has a lot on his plate. Now at first Vin seemed cold and uncaring. Which he was, until he met Marie-Terese a prostitute from the club Iron Mask. Their story has a basic Pretty Woman thing to it which the author makes a point of but they make it their own with the whole supernatural thing going on.
Also even though J. R. Ward is a noted great romance writer, and even though this story has romance involved, the romance doesn't totally overpower the story. There are sex scenes, very hot indeed, but not as much as you would find in let's say Dark Lover or Lover Awakened.
I gotta admit something though, I wasn't attracted to either Vin or Jim. Which surprises me because in every J. R. Ward story there is always something that attracts about the main male characters. And the love story between Vin and MT is so awe and I so want them to end up together but the way that Vin feels constantly about this woman made me think of how the brothers feel towards their woman and I don't know at times it just didn't click for me because we were talking about humans here not vampires. Then again it could just be my lower human standards lol
Oh! And the writing is still the best thing! So raw and true. I loved it. It's like The Black Dagger Brotherhood writing which is awesome. J. R. Ward's style is unique, and I'm sure that if you start reading something from her without knowing it's from her you could probably guess it's her writing. Do I make any sense?
I think I have over talked so I'm just gonna end with this. I have no idea where the series is going to go on the future. I don't know if they are all going to be saved. I don't know if some are going to turn to the dark side. Will Jim actually lose some souls? The future of the series seems to promise a lot of tough decisions for the author and a lot of entertainment for the readers. Bring it on.

I read this book and I know exactly what your talking about with the writing. I tried to be attracted to Jim but it didn't work out for me. When I read her books I concentrate on the side characters to because someday they might have there very own series lol. I liked the book it was different I think but still it reminded me of the brotherhood.
ReplyDeleteNice review! Although I didn't love Covet, definitely looking forward to Crave :) I really love Jim!
ReplyDeleteGreat Review! I have this one on my shelf just haven't picked it up yet will have to soon.
ReplyDeleteHaahahah have you read all the dagger brotherhood series?? its hard to keep trak of which brother is the hottest they are all jsut so darn smexy!!! oww btw i was woundering if you could have a look at part 1 of my twilight parody i need major feedback!!!
ReplyDeletePart 1-Meeting The Edwards
I couldn't get into this one ...Maybe I will give it a second shot
ReplyDelete@cleverlyInked At first it was hard to get into, new series and all, but after a while you really start to like it.
ReplyDelete@blueicegal I certainly had! I love Wrath, Zhadist and JM LOOOVE THEM. So it was weird when I wasn't attracted to any guy in this book. Hope next book has more hotties <3
@Mandy Im looking forward to Crave too, I think it has potential for better.
@Caitlin You get me!
@Tricia Give it a try ;)