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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Monday 2 May 2011

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog... Sequel

So has anybody had the pleasure to watch this? It's only the most awesome sing-along blog ever to be created. I mean, Joss Whedon (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Firely) made it, and Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother, Doogie Howser, etc) plus Nathan Fillion (Castle, Firefly, etc) start in it as Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer. It's a great bitter sweet story about how the villain wants to be evil AND get the girl because even though he aspires to be evil he has a soft side. The songs are great, the acting is superb, and the story is fan-fricking-tastic! I mean, After I finish the movie I went right back and watched it again! It's nothing less than a masterpiece.

Now, Joss is thinking of doing a sequel. Thing is, he always thought of doing a sequel for this movie. Some fans are worried as hell because of this cause, well, sequel's are known to be, well, crappy in comparison with the first try. I thought the first movie ended beautifully, and can totally work as a stand alone. But I do wish for some more fine tunes. I am not ashamed to say I have the entire Dr. Horrible album in my Ipod and I am going to buy the movie on blu-ray. Also I have no idea what he can come up with for the sequel, but I mean it's fricking Joss Whedon, I am sure he won't disappoint.

Where did I ver hear this info about a sequel?  Well, I found the link on Facebook of course. It took me to a page called Geek News from MTV (bookmarking it right... now). If you want to read the entire article click here by all means.

This is a little sneak peak on what Whedon has to say:
"We’ve just all got jobs. And it’s not like Neil, Nathan and Felicia ain’t busy either. We get together at Christmas and family occasions, and then play each other our partial songs and go, “Yup, that’s still exactly as it was the last time we played it. We’re great.” It’s bad."
-Joss Whedon, Source

And here is Act 1 part 1 for those poor souls out there who haven't had the chance to experience what I can only call awesome piece of work:

You can find the rest of the videos on Youtube.

Enjoy, and comment!


  1. OMG!!! I seriously hope they decide to make this. The songs were fantastic & the storyline so cute!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is the first clip I've seen of this, but its definitely not the first time I heard of it. my 10-month-old niece watched it with me, and judging by the smiles, she loved it as much as I did!

  3. Okay. I've got to go look at this. With son. Will wait for son to come home first.

  4. I hope they make this! I'll die of happiness.

  5. I hope they decide to make this! I thought it was really cute.

  6. It's so great :D My husband and I love it. I think if they don't replace Neil Patrick Harris then it'll be fantastic.

  7. I loved this webseries to I really hope the make a sequel!


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