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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Thursday 15 May 2014

Exciting New Covers Revealed; Claudia Gray's New Book, Maggie Stiefvater, Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff's ENDSINGER!

Holy cow, these covers keep getting better and better every year! I cannot wait for this new Claudia Gray title, A Thousand Pieces of You, and if I am completely honest it is mostly because of it's BEAUTIFUL cover. Sometimes some summaries can sound somewhat similar, and the covers are what make the books really stand out (that is, until the reviews start coming in...)

"Chasing a killer through different universes."

That is basically the gist of this new series. I like the prospect of different universes that make the author come up with a lot of different (perhaps even exciting) settings and characters. I liked Claudia Gray's Evernight series, I just hope this one title fares better than Fateful

"The second installment in our epic Starbound trilogy introduces a new pair of star-crossed lovers on two sides of a bloody war."

All I have to say is that I really want to read These Broken Stars, which I currently have but haven't had the pleasure/time to pick up. I really do like the covers for this series though. I like the blend of color, and I think I like the cover for This Shattered World even more than These Broken Stars.

Starbound Series Covers:
These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)

This is my FAVORITE cover of this series! I love the title and the green colors and the face with the flowers and the hair of the character... it's just such an awesome cover. I read The Raven Boys, and REALLY liked it, have The Dream Thieves on my TBR shelf as well... but I might just wait for Blue Lily, Lily Blue to drop before continuing to read the series.

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1) The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)

This cover was up for like a minute at Goodreads and then it was pulled down. I am 95% sure that it's legit (I mean, look at that art work!). I still have to pick up this series, and I sort of tried to start it a few times but always ended up putting it down again. I really just have to get past those first beginning chapters... everybody seems to love it so I shall give it another try,

Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #1) Kinslayer (The Lotus War, #2)

Rating of covers:


They are all very lovely, but A Thousand Pieces of You takes the cake.

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