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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Thursday 26 January 2012

Review + Giveaway: Pandemonium (Delirium #2) by Lauren Oliver

Title: Pandemonium
Author: Lauren Oliver
Series: Delirium
Book #: 2
Pages: 375
Reading Level: Young Adult
Book Rating: 
Published: Feb.28th, 2012
by HarperTeen
Lauren Oliver's Official Website

The old Lena is dead.

The old lena remains with Alex in Portland, Maine, behind a wall of some and flame, but the new Lena was born in the Wilds, transformed by hardship, deprivation, and loss.

Now an active member of the resistance, Lena fights for a world in which love will no longer be considered a dangerous disease. Her inner life is as turbulent as the world around her... Although consumed with grief for Alex, might she be falling in love with someone else?

Lauren Oliver delivers an electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Delirium. This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite.

Taschima's POV:

You know how sometimes authors get a little, am, lazy on the second book of the series? It never seems to live up to the hype? Ends up kind of sucking? Yeah... (*cough*Crossed*cough*)... I know all about it and somewhere along the way you have learned this too.

I am proud to announce that Pandemonium was AMAZING, it LIVES UP TO THE HYPE, and it won't let you down at all. Such a freaking revelation. Why aren't books more like this?!

The thing that saved this book from being a downer was this: the author didn't just write a straight tale where Lena gets to the wild and then keeps growing, keeps getting strong, blah blah same thing we have read about a hundred times. There is some of this in there for sure, but it's given to us in small doses, in between larger sections that are pack full of adventure and "edge of your seat" kind of moments. This is what made the book shine. Going between the past and the present is what saved the book from being pretty slow, and instead it makes it a book worthy of being Delirium's second book.

Something I can add to this is that Delirium while it focuses on love, your first love to be specific, I thought Pandemonium focused a little bit more on hate, anger and healing. It certainly showed us a new side to Lena that we never saw before. The combination of her new life and losing Alex has made her get in touch with emotions that would have been closed up to her before, and it is very interesting to see how she manages navigates through her new life.

I couldn't leave without a note on the new male interest. He is, something else. He is not going away any time soon, and sure you might hate him at first, but believe he is going to grow on you so much. Plus those sexy scenes between him and Lena certainly helped. I swear my breath literally caught on some passages. I felt like I was there, and it was happening to me.

I think that anything more that I say will be too much, a revelation. I don't wanna spoil this story for you because it's a fantastic story. So just know this. If the book sucked, I would tell you flat out why, but it doesn't. It's pretty freaking amazing, and I can't believe I have to wait till 2013 to read the sequel. This is heart breaking, because the book is left on a HUGE cliff hanger that made you want to pull out your hair. I squealed. I really did, people looked at me weird, I kept doing this sort of crazy giggle. You had to be there.

My Review on Delirium:

Rules of the Giveaway:

1. Be a Bloody Follower.
2. Leave an email so I can contact you silly!

Extra Points:

1. Refer a friend. If a person tells me you referred them to this blog, or to this review in particular, you get +1.
2. Link to this contest on sidebar. +2
3. Tweet it (@TaschimaCullen) (+1), Facebook it (Bloody Bookaholic Page) (+1), add me on Goodreads (+1), follow on Tumblr (+1) .
4. Sign up for my Good Bye 2011 Contest (+1) and/or my Girl Who Was on Fire Giveaway (+1).

Leave the nicknames you use on these sites so I can verify.

Number of winners: 1

This contest will end February 22nd, few days before the publication date. US only. Good luck!


  1. This review is really good, though part of the time, I didn't really know what you were talking about, because I haven't read Delirium yet. (But I am going to, really!) As for the giggling in public, it sometimes happens to me, too and then, I just wish that the floor would crack and that I would fall in that crack :)

    My giveaway entry:
    GFC name: giddusadik
    email: floriv7 at gmail dot com

    Extra entries:
    Blog sidebar: inabookshelf.wordpress.com

    Tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/naddawi11/status/162894543128231936

    Goodreads name: Naddawi

    My tumblr blog, that I'm following your Tumblr with: http://purenessandcuteness.tumblr.com/

    And I entered your Goodbye 2011 contest with the name: giddusadik

  2. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC: dani_nguyen
    email: daniellesaunders1984(at)hotmail(dot)com
    tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Dani_Nguyen/status/162899405777809410

  3. I can't wait to read this. I really enjoyed the first book.
    I am a gfc follower

  4. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
    amandarwest atgmaildotcom

  5. This book sounds amazing!
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway.

    I am a follower: Lilly
    +1 I signed up for the Good Bye 2011 Contest

  6. Thanks fo this amazing giveaway!
    GFC name: Lis
    e-mail: lis.krkmo5@gmail.com
    Blog sidebar: nox-invictusletrasymas.blogspot.com
    Goodreads name: Lis (Nox-Invictus)
    Facebook: Lis Carcamo
    Twitter: I follow you as NoxInvictus7
    Tweet link:https://twitter.com/#!/NoxInvictus7/status/162945124991635456

  7. I've been waiting for this book to come out since I finished Delirium last year! Ah! I can't wait!

    I'm a bloody follower, and have been for a while :-). My email is karilynnwhite {at} gmail {dot} com.

    I linked to this contest on the sidebar of my blog, Ramblings of a Reader.

    I tweeted it {twitter name @Nillothwen, tweet}.

    I Facebooked it {name Kari White}.

    I already follow you on Goodreads {Kari}

    And I'm signed up for your Good Bye 2011 under this same name.

    *crossing my fingers that I win!*

  8. I am dying to read this, especially after the end of the first book

    I'm a follower

  9. Ok I think I did everything right (crosses fingers) anyways, great review! I can't wait to read this book!

    GFC: cheltool2788
    email: cheltool2788@gmail.com

    Other Entries

    Twitter: Tweeted @ChelseaTooley

    Facebook: shared, liked, and commented at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=525022425

    Posted a link in my side bar at:

    Goodreads: followed as Chelsea Tooley

    Thanks again for the awesome giveaway :)

  10. PANDEMONIUM!! ~swoooon~ Crossing fingers!! Good luck, all! :D

    GFC: Gisele Alvarado
    email: ilepachequin(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Xtra entries:
    1+ tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Gisselle_Alv/status/163001774368763905
    1+ GR: Gisele Alv
    1+ FBook it: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=358218044206540&id=1105106026
    2+ I sign up for the Good Bye 2011 Contest and the Girl Who Was on Fire Giveaway.

  11. Thank you so much! I am dying to read this book!

    gfc-Michelle Adams


  12. OMG thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
    -GFC: Lecea
    -Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=228204217265462&id=100001393511851
    -Goodreads friend: Lecea
    -Tumblr follow: http://lemonchiffony.tumblr.com :)
    -Sign up for Good Bye 2011 Contest
    -Sign up for Girl Who Was on Fire Giveaway


  13. I cannot wait to read this one, thank you for the giveaway! You Rock!
    GFC Unabridged Bookshelf


  14. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I have been wanting to read this series. It sounds very good. Tore923@aol.com

  15. Thank you for the awesome chance to win! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom (subscribed)
    GFC Krystal Larson

  16. I would absolutely love to win pandemonium! Count me in!

  17. I would absolutely love to win pandemonium! Count me in!

  18. I haven't got a copy of book one yet, so that might need to be fixed.... YAY!

    rfoster dot foster at gmail dot com

  19. :D THANK YOU! I loved Delirium. Wish my friend did, but oh well. I can't wait for this book. Thank you!

  20. I'm ashamed to admit it, but...though I've own Delirium since it was released, I still haven't read it. Your review of Pandemonium makes me want to pick it up RIGHT NOW!

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

    +2 Link: http://bookishinabox.blogspot.com/
    +1 Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/bookishinabox/status/163057439615356928
    +1 Goodreads--Erin (Bookish in a Box)
    +1 entered the Goodbye 2011 Contest

  21. I'm really looking forward to this sequel. I really enjoyed the first and can't wait to see where Oliver goes with this one.
    GFC: Vivien
    +1 tweeted:
    +1 Goodreads: Vivien
    +1 Goodbye contest: Vivien
    +1 Girl on Fire contest: Vivien

    Thanks again!
    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  22. I'm a Bloody Follower.

    Extra Points:

    +2 Link to this contest on sidebar.

    +1 Tweet it (@TaschimaCullen)

    +1 Facebook it (Bloody Bookaholic Page)

    +1 Goodreads friend - Aik Chien

    +1 Entered the Good Bye 2011 Contest

    +1 Entered the Girl Who Was on Fire Giveaway

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  23. Not commenting for the contest, just really happy that it lives up to the hype! And new love interest?! I want ALEX! *pouts*

  24. I am dying to read this book. Loved the first book. Need this book!

    GFC jennifer
    jlkalman26 at gmail dot com

    extra entries:
    goodreads: jennifer k


    Signed up for Girl Who was on fire giveaway


  25. Thank you for this amazing giveaway.

    GFC: Mary Preston


  26. I havent read book one yet but I'm going to!

    gfc alicia0605

  27. I'm looking forward to Pandemonium so much! Thanks for the giveaway.
    GFC name: Erinberry

    +1 I follow you on goodreads( goodreads.com/erinberry)

    +1 follow on tumblr (paperlullaby.tumblr.com)

    erinberry12 at gmail dot com

  28. GFC tetewa Sounds good, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com

  29. Following you through GFC!


  30. Yay to hear that Pandemonium escapes the sophomore slump that so many second novels in series seem to suffer from! I sadly haven't read Delirium yet (yes, I know, criminal offense), but I definitely am planning to.

    Thanks for the giveaway op!


  31. Can't wait to read it :)
    Thanks :)


  32. I'm so excited about this book!!!! Can't wait for it to come out!

    GFC: Joy Davis
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/joy_davis/status/163454248644902912
    Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4758684-joy
    Tumbler: www.readerforlife.tumblr.com

  33. GFC follower- Jessy

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000188700801&ref=tn_tnmn

    Tweet: https://twitter.com/Emma015/status/163459341318492160

    Friend requested on Goodreads ( Jessica)

    Entered Goodbye 2011 giveaway

    5 extra points

    Findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  34. Thanks for this great giveaway!
    email:sweetyreaders at hotmail dot it

  35. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    GFC- audreyclair

  36. great giveaway
    follow via gfc

  37. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

    I am a GFC follower

    +1 added you on Goodreads
    +1 Signed up for your Good Bye 2011 Contest
    +1 and your Girl Who Was on Fire Giveaway

  38. I can't wait for this novel! Please come soon!

    GFC- thegirlonfire
    +1 for Vivien- she recommended me.
    +1 tumblr - Stephanie/thegirlonfire
    +1 Goodreads- Stephanie
    +1 Goodbye contest-thegirlonfire
    +1 Girl on Fire contest-thegirlonfire

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  39. Giveaway Entry
    GFC name: Farah Hanani
    Email: farah-honey(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Extra Entries
    Blog sidebar: http://tumblinginbooks.blogspot.com/
    Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/FaraHanany/status/163892818086076416
    Goodreads: Fara Nani
    Tumblr: http://drunkenfromlaughingsohard.tumblr.com/
    I entered your Goodbye 2011 contest and The Girl Who Was On Fire with the name: Fara Nani

  40. Oh yes I cannot wait for this one!

    GFC Teril
    terilhack at gmail dot com

    entered Goodbye contest
    entered Girl on Fire

  41. gfc: mirela_8923
    twitter: lunateca
    facebook: mirela nedelcu
    goodreads: lunateca
    I entered your Goodbye 2011
    contest and The Girl Who Was On
    Fire with the name: mirela

  42. e-mail: lulu_mirela90yahoo.com

  43. Been waiting for it a long time!!!

    All around follower

    GFC reading mind
    GD lucia pannacci

    entered both contest!

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  44. Yay Giveaway!

    +1) signed up for Goodbye 2011 giveaway
    +1) signed up for girl who was on fire giveaway!


  45. Follow on GFC
    Friend on Good reads
    Follow on Tumbir
    all as teressa oliver
    teressaoliver at gmail dot com

  46. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC: brookea_2006
    email: brookea_2006 at yahoodotcom

    GR: brookea_2006

    also entered the goodbye 2011 giveaway and the girl on fire giveaway.

  47. I cannot wait to read this book!

  48. Thanks for offering the give away! Cannot wait to read this one!

  49. Really excited for this one!!!

    Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/justkeepreading/status/165822641595359232

    Entered Goodbye 2011


    themgowl at gmail dot com

  50. Great review. Definitely looking forward to reading this.

    GFC - TommyGirl
    email - tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

    tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/tommygirl/status/166354062609092612

    like on facebook as Mare Sperry

    friend on goodreads as Mare S/TommyGirl

    follow on tumblr as destinyisdeafening - Life of a jersey girl

  51. Great Review! Totally can't wait for this book. Looking forward to see how freaking amazing it is :P

    GFC: iLuvReadingTooMuch
    email: iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com

    Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/iliveforreading/status/166809182123728897

    Goodreads: Rabiah
    Tumblr: http://aclassasportananimalaceleb.tumblr.com/

    Entered both Goodbye 2011 (under: Rabiah) and The Girl who was on Fire (under: iLuvReadingTooMuch)

    thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  52. I'm a follower!
    GFC: TaraTagli

    +1GoodReads follower

    TaraTagli at gmail dot com

  53. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC Follower

    +1 Entered the Goodbye 2011 contest

    Sarah L
    two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

  54. Awesome giveaway!!! <3

    GFC: BookStacksOnDeck

  55. tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/hrrrthrrrdm/status/168640493750730752

    GFC: BookStacksOnDeck

  56. GoodReads friend: Heather(BookStacksOnDeck)

    GFC: BookStacksOnDeck

  57. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC follower: majibookshelf

    - juhina

  58. I am a follower. And I added you on goodreads. My name is Jenna. deaners02@gmail.com

  59. Entry: GFC name: wolf_speaker
    email: wolf_speaker@live.com
    Goodreads name: Tia Gilbank (wolf_speaker)
    Facebook: Tiara Alissa
    Twitter: tiasaurus_rex
    Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/tiasaurus_rex/status/170704581167284224
    Tumblr blog(that I'm following you with): http://www.tumblr.com/blog/1kittymew2

  60. I would love to win this for a friend of mine. She is DYING to read the sequel. :)

    I follow via GFC of course - shooting stars mag

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  61. Thank you so much for this giveaway! I am DYING to read this book. I follow you n GFC as infalliblyyours or Munnaza, and with my email address, infalliblyyours@gmail.com (I also follow you on twitter as @yoursinfallibly).

    I tweeted here:

    I wanted to enter your other contests for extra points, but I JUST found this contest and I know it's the last day, and sadly, I just realized midway through entering that your other contests have already ended. :/ Ah well. Can't wait to read this book soon. Thanks again for the giveaway and I hope, since it's still the 22nd, that it isn't too late for this one!


Read your opinion, I want. Leave a comment, you shall.

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