If it were up to you where would you place the song Safe & Sound in the movie? Two scenes that seem to be pretty big where this song could be put on are the scene where Rue dies, and the, you guessed it, cave scene where Katniss is trying to nurse Peeta back to life. Both seem to be pretty good places to put the song, but they both also have their problems...
In the scene where Rue dies Katniss sings her own song to Rue, a song that is then picked up by the Mockingjays because let's face it Katniss' singing is amazing. On the other hand the lyrics of this song seem to be perfect for the scene:
Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
But I know for a fact that Jennifer Lawrence is actually singing Rue's Lullaby. The article is here and here. So yeah, that's that.
The scene with Peeta also seems to be a good place to put it on, if not the best since Jennifer is actually singing Rue's Lullaby. The only wrong with it though is that the song seems very hopeful, and I don't know about that. But yeah, if I were to place it anywhere, it would be on the cave scene.
What do you think? Is there any other scene that this song would most likely be placed on? I'd love to hear your predictions!
Here's the song again for your enjoyment.
PS;Remember to enter my Good Bye 2011 contest! The Link is on the top, but you can also just click here and it will take you to the post. I have about 40 books to give away, who wants them?!

I really like this song, and haven't been able to stop listening to it. The song reminds me more of Prim though, so my guess would be they'd relate it to her, or it'll be one of the songs during the credits, like so many really good songs seem to end up.
ReplyDeleteI figured this song would play over the credits and it would be mostly instrumentals throughout the movie, excepting Rue's Lullaby.
ReplyDeleteHmm... I finished reading book 1 on Friday (loved it) and actually gasped out loud when reading the sfene where Rue dies and Katniss sings to her. I quickly loaded up Safe & Sound and there were so many similarities between the lyrics and that scene yends with Katniss saying "good & safe... We don't have to worry about her now", which is very similiar to the song title. But if Jennifer Lawrence is actually singing Rue's lullaby then I have no idea where it will be placed in the movie. I can't wait to see it though and to read the rest of the books!
ReplyDeleteI assume they'll use this plenty throughout the movie. They tend to do that with an 'it' song.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bookworm1858. It's going to be just like those Twilight movies when the main song plays during the credits.
ReplyDeleteI have not listened to the song yet because I just don't like TSwift lol
The cave scene sounds like a good prediction but usually those songs that become super popular are played during the credits. Or some ending montage.
ReplyDeleteI read the book so long ago, it all kinda blends together so I can't think of a scene in particular but I agree with Kristin. I think it will have something to do with Prim. Maybe after she volunteers to go in her place? I dunno...
ReplyDeleteO.K. so I'm one of the last people on the planet who hasn't read this series (hangs head in shame). I added it to the very top of my list to buy ASAP last week because of all the outstanding reviews I've been seeing. Hope to have it in my hands by next week.
ReplyDeletei really like Taylor Swift. Thanks for posting the song, I enjoyed listening to it.
Sorry, but I can't answer your question since I haven't read The Hunger Games yet (yes, such persons do exist.) but I think the song is nice. :)
ReplyDeleteI think that it'll be placed in the scene with Peeta. Of course, it could also be placed in a scene with Prim- or even in the closing credits (although I doubt that they'd place such a great song right at the end of the movie). So I'm going with either Peeta or Prim, because Jennifer would be singing Rue's song to her. However, they could play this after she sings Rue's song and when Rue closes her eyes and Katniss is sad and mourning her death.