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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Thursday 27 January 2011

The Hunger Games Release Date has been...

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Announced! The release date is March 23, 2012. Aren't we excited?! No cast has been announced yet (sadly) but this is what the article on Ology has to say:

"Gary Ross, who directed Pleasantville and Seabiscuit, will helm The Hunger Games; the project is expected to begin shooting in late spring or summer.

Collins followed up Games' success in 2008 with two sequels, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. No word yet on when we can expect those movies, but considering the fanbase for Hunger Games, we bet it'll be another trilogy a la the Twilight movies. In fact, Lionsgate has hired The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn casting director Debra Zane to choose the perfect actors to portray Katniss, Peeta, and the members of the other districts."

So what do you think about everything? Do you think it's wise to have the director from Breaking Dawn do the casting? I think The Hunger Games has the potential to kick the Twilight franchise on it's butt, but well see what happens.

PS; comment here and get an extra entry in my Goodbye 2010 contest =]


  1. I'm vair vair excited....but I'm scared for the casting.

    Hailee Steinfeld for Katniss!

  2. I am the first person to comment...cool!!!
    I think they should seriously keep Twilight out of this because i don't trust their judgement in choosing the characters. They are going to make a mess of everything. Plus Hunger Games has a bigger fan base so it will definitely kick Twilight's butt (wanted to use a more appropriate word).
    I hope they choose kicking actors!

  3. +1 for the contest :) yay.

    I am not really too excited about having someone from Twilight involved. These are two completely different series and they need entirely different things in order to work. I think whoever plays Katniss has to literally be perfect for the part. The actress will need a certain level of intelligence and the ability to reach dark places. She's going to need to be more than pretty. I think Kaya looks the part but I haven't seen her act yet so I can't say much about her. I just feel protective of the books and I'm worried that especially with a PG-13 rating (though I get why they're doing that) it's not going to pack the same punch that the books did.

  4. I'm so excited about the HG movie! First the City of Bones movie and now HG, great news :) Hopefully they'll do a good jog casting Katniss and Peeta.

  5. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A movie, a movie!!! I can't wait!!! It really will kick Twilights butt from here to Hong Kong! they are such spectacular books (i finished mockingjay in 6Hrs! my record) and the movie will be just as good if they get the right actors. As for the casting director, i am on the fence we will have to wait for the choices, i say.

  6. SO SO EXCITED FOR THIS!! I can't wait to see what actors and actresses they choose!

  7. OMGGGGGG. Seriously how do you get the coolest news.
    I'm really looking forward to/slightly fearing seeing who will be casted. If they stick to the book, they should be fine..right??? *fingers crossed*

  8. I better get the books read soon, if I read a book close to the film versions release, then I get worked up at all the differences because the book is still fresh in my mind.

    As for casting, well you can't please everybody, some people are going to be disapointed even if others think the actors are perfect.

  9. Urgh why must anyone twilight related interfere with the movie. Having the Right cast is so vital, if the movie is done well, it has the potential like the books, to be completely unique and amazing. Hoping for the best!

  10. I was so excited when I saw this date posted a couple of days ago! I can't wait to see the cast listing. Hopefully, the movie will stay somewhat close to the books.

  11. I'm really excited for the potential of this movie and to hear that it has a release date. On the other hand, this might be best left as a book. I am really scared that a casting director from the horrifying movie fad that is Twilight is in any way involved in this.

  12. I'm very excited over the HG movie. Hopefully they won't screw it up. >> Can't wait to see who they will cast. :D

  13. I thought the Twilight casting sucked so I think they made a horrible decision there. They should ask the fans of the books to vote, we know better! I hope she does a better job this time around and I hope she's read the books! All three to know who the characters will eventually be.


  14. Oh crap. Now I'm absolutely terrified for the cast. Well at least is not the same director. Catherine Hardwicke is THE ONE who ruined twilight. Seriously. I hope they chose wisely. But...
    OMFG THE DATE!!!!!! *died* i'm so freaking excited!!

  15. I wish they'd finally announce the actors, that'd be much more interesting than a release date :P

    I adore Pleasantville so I'll see Gary Ross being involved as a good thing :)

    It's hard to judge the Breaking Dawn casting director when I haven't actually seen BD but the choice for Renesme looked decent so I'm hopeful.

  16. I am so excited! I hope that they do it right.

  17. I think it'll be interesting to see who they cast. I'm hoping for the best, I just finished the first book so I'm hoping they stay faithful to the book and do it justice. I think the casting director did well for the casting for Breaking Dawn, it's going to be interesting to see who she picks. :D

  18. I'm cautiously optimistic about this movie because I've heard that the director is in love with the series, but alot can go wrong.

  19. I can't wait for the movie! Hope they don't mess it up.

  20. I was so excited when I found out the other day! I hope they don't change it too much...I'm a little nervous for the cast list too. Haha

  21. I'm super excited but I'm worried about the cast. So many people picture Katnis and Peeta and Gale differently so I wonder how they'll go about it.

  22. I'm very excited to see this, but I always gets a little afraid when a great book gets turned into a movie.

  23. Never read the books, wasn't really my thing, might see the movies though. As for the actors, who knows, its varies whether it is a hit or miss.

  24. I can't wait to find out who they will cast for this!

  25. I am excited but at the same time hesitant, as I am with all my favorite books. The Twilight casting direction should be left out of Hunger Games, I hate her choices for Edward and Bella and I rather them not ruin Hunger Games with bad actors. All I can do is hope and hope that the movie comes out amazing.


Read your opinion, I want. Leave a comment, you shall.

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