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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Saturday 29 August 2009

US VS UK...VS Germany?

Yes, today is a special day. I found 3 versions to a cover. Yes 3! :O *gasp*

US Cover

UK Cover

German Cover

I am loving this. my list would have to go UK cover, German cover, and then US cover. I love the way 'Evermore' is written in the UK cover. Its my fave. The German cover I likes too. I like the black/white/red thing. I know lots of cover have it, but I have always loved it. It was one of the main reasons I picked up Twilight in the first place.

Wait! Don't go! I have another one!

US Cover

UK Cover

Ok, US totally kicked arse on this one. Again black, white, and a touch of purple. Exquisite. The drawing on the UK cover ain't bad, but the US one just rules.

I am watching Grey's Anatomy, does anybody like that show? I loves it.


  1. Grey's Anatomy is awesome, but I am waay behind in episodes... I need to catch up someday! :)

    I agree with UK, German, then US for Evermore... The US one is just so freaking boring!

    I really like the UK Ash cover... but the US one is good as well. I might like UK better... that's a hard one!

  2. For Evermore:
    1. Germany
    2. UK close second
    3. US

    Font from UK cover onto German cover would have made the German cover perfect!

    For Ash:
    1. US hands down winner
    2. UK (just not that pretty)

    Awesome post twin! :D
    And I love Grey's Anatomy. :D


  3. Grey's Anatomy is awesome! Definitely one of my favorites shows-although Meredith is constantly irritating me.

    I agree with you about Evermore. I also agree with Ash-the US one kicked-you said arse, but I'm gonna say-ass on that one! I LOVE the US one!


  4. I like the UK cover of Evermore the best because of the writing. Then I would go with the German cover just because its eye catching. (Side note: Did you know that the model is on at least 3 completely differnt books? Same pose just the hair is parted different. I think that's crazy.)

    Anyways, I definitely go with the US cover for Ash. I'm not sure what I think about the UK version, maybe the colors.

  5. Oooh, Grey's Anatomy is one of my favorites! I'm so sad George was so lame this last season and now you-know-what happened with him and Izzy in the season finale : (
    I love the second cover of Evermore! It's more unique and dark. Not just some girl but has a lot more to it, in an artistic way. I like the first cover of Ash.

  6. With the Evermore covers, I liked the US one of course but I love the font of the UK version.

    And of course you're right, the US cover of Ash totally kicked the UK's butt. :D

  7. I totally agree with you on all the covers...

    Am I the only one that thinks of Alice in Wonderland when they look at the UK Ash cover? That's what it reminds me of.

  8. Ooh the text on the UK cover of Evermore is pretty. I really like the german cover too though. I agree with you on the Ash cover!

    - Alex

  9. You know i've never watched Grey's Anatomy so I wouldnt be able to tell ya =P i love Ash's UK cover it's so pretty =)

  10. I like the german cover of evermore the best, because of the birds, which i assume are crows or ravens both of which i love

  11. I love the font on the UK cover of evermore but the graphics on the German book are beautiful! So that one is a tough call lol

    Love the US cover on Ash it seems classic and a cover to be remembered =)

    Btw Love Greys Anatomy can not wait for the new season to start back up!

  12. Evermore:
    3. Germany

  13. For Evermore I like UK's font better, for Ash I like UK's better as well! :P


  14. I love the UK Evermore cover and the US Ash cover.

  15. I LOVE Grey's but I haven't gotten to watch it in a while. The only TV show I'm really on track with is "True Blood" on Sunday nights! I'm addicted!

    Love your blog and I can't believe (well, I can a little) that there are three covers for "Evermore"

    I like Germany
    Then UK
    Then US

    US is MUCH Prettier...

    Thanks for having me...I'm going to have to follow you so that I can keep up!

    xo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

  16. I absolutely love the German cover for Evermore. I agree with you on loving black covers...they make the books so pretty!!! So, yes I enjoy the US cover for Ash.

  17. I'm really loving the German cover for Evermore! Now I want to buy a German copy of it..just to have that beautiful cover on my shelf, lol. I still have to read the book...it's sittin in my review pile..eck, gonna get to it, I promise :)

  18. And now for something completely different...I gave you an award! Come stop by my blog, Strange & Random Happenstance to get it!

  19. Ooh, covers galore. Ok, for the Evermore covers, my order would go:

    1) US Cover
    2) German Cover
    3) UK Cover

    I love the font on the US Cover and that it's not quite as zoomed in as the UK.

    For the Ash cover, I really do adore the US one again. I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but I would never pick up Ash if it had the UK cover (which it does because I'm in the UK :P). The US one is much more appealing to me. :)

  20. Ooh... I've never seen the German cover before. I like it!

  21. Ah. I like the first one of each book. The font on the first blue moon cover is very nice. And the way "Ash" is displayed on the first book cover is very creative.

    The Grey's Anatomy is SUCH an amazing show. It's one of my faves :)

  22. Covers are important. They completely draw a person into a novel.

    I just gave you an award at my blog :)


  23. US "Ash" is definitely the winner. But I really have to agree that the US "Evermore" cover is in last place compared to UK and Germany.

    And I love "Grey's Anatomy." I'm waiting for the new season to start!

  24. Im love The German cover of evermore

    and the Uk cover of ash

    I wish I could buy theme just for the cover !!!!



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