"I rush at him. Forget about my hair. Climb onto his lap. And dive at his mouth.
I keep one hand wrapped around my phone. I can't let it go. I can't let go. I want to be only in this moment, but right outside this moment, visible even from the gooey, sweet center of it, are Sasha Cotton and my Assignment and the fact that everyone hates me and that my parents both have hoarse voices from all the yelling. It's a crowded view, and impossible to ignore. The kissing is beautiful, but everything else we have to contend with is neon and unrelenting and loud."
I feel for this girl, I really do. Life by Committee is real and interesting. The main girl Tabitha has lost pretty much everybody that used to be important to her in a matter of months, all because she started growing up in ways her friends didn't agree with. Because of this, because she feels lonely and lost, she starts making bad decisions and looking for love in all the wrong places. There's slut shaming in this book, just because this girl is a little on the hot side and wants to explore her sexuality (by this I mean she flirts, that's it since she is a virgin) everybody around her little town goes crazy and wants to brand her with their own version of a scarlet A. She finds a place online where she can vent about her problems, where she can be honest, with people that push her to do things she might have never considered before. This is Life by Committee.
I am really enjoying it. I started it today and am already on page 255. I guess it's the kind of book that makes you think. I am feeling for this girl, but I really hope she doesn't make a stupid decision that might cost her everything.

Awesome. Can't wait to hear what you think when you're done.