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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Thursday 31 December 2009

News of the Mortal Instruments

  • The Mortal Instruments books are going to be adapted into graphic novels. Can you believe that? Pretty impressive. This is going to be a new pathway for other comic book readers, and once they see how awesome the genre YA really is they will cross the unthinkable bridge of Terabithia and enter our world. *Evil Laugh on* Muahahaha *Evil laugh off* If you want more information on this click here.

  • As you may well know The Mortal Instruments will also be adapted to a movie. Do you guys think that we are heading into a Twilight type of fanaticism soon? The Mortal Instruments surely has the back up to be big, but will the audience's response be as big and dramatic? For the series I hope so. A series this good should have millions of fans. If you want more information concerning the movie click here.

  • The fourth Mortal Instruments book City of Fallen Angels comes out March 2011. Which makes a lot of us REALLY sad, because it's so far away. Though I'm quite scared. I loved City of Glass and thought it was a very fitting ending, will City of Fallen Angels be half as good? Will it give me the closure I seek? Or will it damn the whole series?

  • And finally, there is an excerpt for the first Infernal Devices book The Clockwork Angel in Cassandra Clare's site. The Infernal Devices series is before City of Bones, a prequel. Now this one I have high hopes for. If you wish to read the excerpt click here. The book will be released September 7, 2010.
Unfortunately there is no excerpt for City of Fallen Angels yet because the excerpt is suppose to come out in the paper back copy of City of Glass which will be released on August 3, 2010. The book will contain a full chapter of City of Fallen Angels in it, as well as a full chapter of The Clockwork Angel.

Now I gotta go to work; Oh yes, I got a job! fantastic! I am part of the evil forces behind fast food places. Woohoo (hey, I get paid).

See ya!


  1. This series is so amazing. It definitely deserves tons of fans. I agree about City of Fallen Angels. I loved how the third book ended, and I worry that it will mess up the series. Still, I want to read it and I wish it were coming out sooner :(

  2. They're making the Mortal Instruments into a movie? How did I not know this? That's great news. I ♥ Jace. :)

  3. the series is on my wishlist, but i have so many that i am not even remotely close to begining this one. i doubt ill even finish my list next year (i keep adding on! T_T)

  4. I haven't read the Mortal Instruments books yet, though I've really been wanting to, but I definitely think they'll be WAY bigger than Twilight. This is kind of a good and bad thing. Good because it is about time something else came along and knocked the Twilight obsession down a peg. Bad because there will be a new obsession. I so totally plan to read this before they can start doing previews for a movie and stuff. Thankfully I already have the first one.

    Also, yay for graphic novels of the books. So cool. Great post twin. :D


  5. I am a huge fan of these books so I hope they don't screw up the movie(s) to much, and I hope they are a huge success because Clare definately deserves it!

  6. I just started reading the series (I'm at the end of the first book) and I love it so much! It makes me a little sad though that I'll have to wait over a year for the last book, so maybe I'll pace myself with the next two to make the wait feel less long!
    I had no idea they were being adapted into a movie though, I'll be curious to see that!

  7. Congratulations on getting a job. Every bit helps. Having your own money is a great feeling also.

  8. I love this series this sounds cool...I want the paperback copy of City of Glass so it will match the others I'm weird that way.

  9. I actually heard that the fourth City of Bones book is going to be more of a spin off book with Simon as the main character and focusing more on his story.

  10. @Iluvhersheys_andbooks That is true, but it still the fourth book in the series, which is kind of weird but whatever. I like Simon, he's cool.

  11. Congrats on the job. And it looks like I have more reading to do soon. Thanks.

  12. I'm a huge fan of this series and wish I didn't have to wait so long for the next books and the movie. Can't wait to see who gets cast. I don't know if it will have the impact of Twilight but I think I'll enjoy it more because it has more action. Hope they do it right!

  13. I'm definitely excited for the movie, but I do hope they leave out a few things. In City of Ashes, Clary and Jace are forced to kiss, but then they get totally into it. In the book, it's different because we can understand how hard it is for them and how in love with eachother they are. But in a movie, that would be harder to get across without being over the top and cheesy. So I can see people getting offended that two teenaged siblings had to makeout. Though I'm getting this information from my family. When I told them what Clary and Jace had to do, they were a little grossed out. xD
    But aside from that, very excited for the movie and how everything turns out. :)

  14. @Brianne I know it may seem a little weird if you don't know about the background. But come on, who really believed that they were brother and sister? Sure it had the background, but it doesn't fit the perfect ending. It's YA, there is a high risk for a perfect ending. Anyways, I would like to see that scene, and they are probably going to include it because if that didn't happen what is the big motive for Simmon to go to th vamp site? I think they should put it. No offense to your family's opinion of course ^^

  15. *Waves* Slacker Right here!
    I need to read this

  16. I am yet to read this series, but will be starting this month. I definitely want to read before the movie comes out.


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