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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Monday 7 December 2009

New Blog Awards For You

Thank you Black and Blue Ink for the Cleverly Written Blogs.

It signifies all the bloggers out there who constantly work hard to keep an updated and insightful website. They aren't afraid to take a bite with their honest reviews and enjoyable content. You amaze me, you inspire me so I call you a blog monster. Thank you Eleni!

My Nominees for both:

These are all my favorite blogs and the ones I always keep tabs on. In no specific order mind you. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoy them!


  1. You're making me blush! It seems like every time I hop on over here you've given me a new award! Lol. But thanks. It's kind of awesome to know that you like my blog :) Day officially made.

  2. Thanks so much twin! Really appreciate it! :D


  3. Thanks girl! I <3 the award it's so purple and pretty :)

  4. Wow, two more awards. Mindboggoling! :D

    Thank you so much! =^_^=

  5. Thank you!!! And back at ya :)

  6. Congrats on the awards and great picks of nominees!

  7. Awwww you are the best! Congrats on getting these awards and thanks for passing them to lil old me =)

  8. First off, I must say that I absolutely adore your current blog layout! So festive. =)

    Second, I felt this would be a good post to let you know that I have award you an award. You can view it here: http://pamelamaclean.blogspot.com/2009/12/one-lovely-blog-award.html

  9. Congrats! I just love that button.. so cool!


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