The Goodreads Choice Awards have 20 categories. I personally only voted in ten of them, which include: Fiction, Mystery & Thriller, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Graphic Novels and Comics, Debut Goodreads Authors, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction, and Middle Grade & Children's.
Fiction, Mystery & Thriller, Fantasy Picks:

To be perfectly honest Landline was the only title in the Fiction category I had read... As to the Veronica Mars title, well, I am a very big Veronica Mars fan. I also figured the title wouldn't get many votes compared to the other more popular titles listed so I had to root for the underdog. My fantasy pick was a no-brainer; you put anything agaisnt Jeaniene Frost in front of me and it is going to lose, bad.
Romance, Science Fiction, Graphic Novels and Comics Picks:

Again, JR Ward is a no-brainer. She is a terrific author who is my second favorite adult romance writer, first being Jeaniene Frost. I have to give it to JR Ward, she has kept The Black Dagger Brotherhood series going strong for more than TEN titles, and that is not something to take lightly. She is facing some tough competition this year though since the self made Colleen Hoover has not one but TWO titles listed in the Romance section; Maybe Someday, Ugly Love. Lock In by John Scalzi is not just good sci-fi but GREAT sci-fi. I still find myself thinking about the world at times, it was just too good. EVERYBODY should give it a try! The Avatar comics are fantastically written, they all are so true to the TV series and its characters that the minute I saw it was nominee I instantly voted for it. I miss the TV show, but the comics really do deliver.
Debut Goodreads Authors, Young Adult Fiction,and Middle Grade & Children's Picks:

Red Rising was nominated for the Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction section too, but since I already voted for it as the top Debut author of the year I figured I could vote for another one in the other section. Red Rising was ridiculously good, sci-fi/dystopian done the right way. The Young Adult Section was mostly full of YA contemporary titles, and me not being a very "contemporary" kind of girl I only had like two titles there I had actually read. I voted for Katie McGarry's Take Me On but then changed my mind and voted for I'll Give you The Sun because it was just spectacular and original and imaginative. The Middle Grade section has Rick Riordan dominating (probably) but I actually think School of Good and Evil is bad ass enough to give it a run for its money.
Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction:

This was the HARDEST section. It had SO many good titles to choose from, I felt quite trapped. It annoyed me that they had to group YA fantasy and Sci-fi together, I feel like they both deserve their own separate sections.

If this section had been separated I would have voted for The Winner's Curse as well, or maybe Heir of Fire... In any way I decided to go with These Broken Stars because that one I just absolutely loved. Silver Shadows was very good, and I love me some Richelle Mead, but These Broken Stars was new and fresh (looove).
I will be doing my own "favorites of 2014" list by the end of the year. The titles listed in the Goodreads section are all good, but there were certain awesome titles that were left out (like Catalyst by SJ Kincaid). Which titles did you vote for?
Cast your vote today!

VMars for sure! I had a tough time between The Impossible Knife of Memory & Isla and the Happily Ever After. Then it was tough between Hollow City and Silver Shadows. Thank goodness for two Goodreads accounts. ;)