"...a young woman discovers she's the last member of an ancient line with an unwanted destiny; and that her only ally, a mysterious young man is destined to betray her... and doom the world, to Tara Parsons at Harlequin, with Margo Lipschultz editing, in a major deal, in a three-book deal, by Nancy Yost at Nancy Yost Literary Agency."
Jeaniene. Frost... writing YA. HOLY HELL!!!
List of things that I absolutely need in order to stay alive:
1. Oxygen
2. H2O
3. This book.
4. Chocolate
*Singing* This book is going to be awesome, this book is going to be awesome, this book is going to be aweeesome... *singing trails off*
There isn't much to go on yet, only a small description on Goodreads, but no matter what this book will be part of my collection. For those unfamiliar with Jeaniene Frost she is the writer of my favorite adult vampire series, The Night Huntress Series. This series will change your life, it has a very powerful independent the motherload of kickass woman lead, a very british and very enticing male counterpart (who is not afraid to take off his enemies heads and play soccer with them... he will do it), and a addictive plot line that is sure to keep you awake waaaay past your bed time. Every single person I have told to read this series has not been disappointed, and usually call to thank me after they finish reading the first book.
Now imagine her writing a YA novel?
Cannot. Freaking. Wait.

We already know it will release on September 2014. The heroïne is Ivy and the hero Adrian :)