Title: Daylighters
Author: Rachel Caine
Series: Morganville Vampires
Book #: 15
Pages: 368
Reading Level: YA
Book Rating:
Goodreads Rating: 4.44
Published: Nov. 5th, 2013
While Morganville, Texas, is often a troubled town, Claire Danvers and her friends are looking forward to coming home. But the Morganville they return to isn’t the one they know; it’s become a different place—a deadly one…
Something drastic has happened in Morganville while Claire and her friends were away. The town looks cleaner and happier than they’ve ever seen it before, but when their incoming group is arrested and separated—vampires from humans—they realize that the changes definitely aren’t for the better.
It seems that an organization called the Daylight Foundation has offered the population of Morganville something they’ve never had: hope of a vampire-free future. And while it sounds like salvation—even for the vampires themselves—the truth is far more sinister and deadly.
Now, Claire, Shane and Eve need to find a way to break their friends out of Daylighter custody, before the vampires of Morganville meet their untimely end
Taschima's POV:
I cannot believe it has come to an end. I've been reading the Morganville series for years, it was comforting to think that every year I would come back to read about Claire's crazy adventures, Myrnin's insane driving skills, Michael's dreamyness, Eve's gothic soul, and Shane's oftentimes moronic state of mind. Morganville is a dear old friend, and I am sad to have to say goodbye.
I am just glad the series ended on a good note, that it gave us closure, and that it's last book was a marvelous one. It certainly manages to turn the world and rules we have come to expect from our heroines and heroes upside down, that's for sure! Which leads to great entertainment and some serious soul searching.
"I'm bringing trouble to Morganville. They've finally got their peace, what they always wanted, and I'm coming back to rip it apart.I'm the villain."At first glance Daylighters doesn't seem very different from previous Morganville Novels. It has it's bad guy to be defeated, vampires to be rescued, Shane being a knucklehead and Claire being a hero. An every day Morganville tale, right? Yes, but this one is quite different in that it plays in the gray zone. Peace is back in Morganville's streets. The human residents can walk freely at night and breathe without fearing the vampires will attack for no reason whatsoever, but at that cost? The Daylighters corralled the vampires into an enclave and more than likely are ready to kill every last one of them. Claire is troubled, she knows the Daylighters are not good news but at the same time the people in Morganville are finally safe, what is she to do? Let the vampires perish? Let Michael, Myrnin, Amelie, Oliver, and Jesse die? You know the answer to that, and thus begins the Morganville title in which Claire Danvers, Eve, and Shane are somehow the villains of the story, for better or for worse.
"He stared at her for a long moment, and his anger turned to something oddly like... interest. "You know, you are not the mousy little thing I met that morning in Common Grounds," he said. "You've become something else entirely. It's to your credit, but it's also extremely inconvenient."Truer words have not come out of Oliver's mouth. I recently re-read Glass House again and I have to say Claire has grown up so much. She is a woman now, a fiercely intelligent and brave woman. She would make a kick ass vampire (fan fiction anyone?). But it isn't only Claire, I will admit Shane has also grown up a lot, and changed. For the most part he let go of his prejudices and even helps the vampires from time to time. He has also grown out of most of his anger issues, though he is still good for a brawl every so often.
"Come on, Shane. Do you really intend to sit this one out?""You're right. There's a fight, and I'm not in it? That seems wrong."I must admit my hatred of Shane was zero in this book. I have come to accept him, and even find him kind of hilarious at times. He has some really funny quotes in this book. Michael... Oh he is so dreamy. Though I wouldn't like to read a book from Eve's POV I would still LOVE to spend more intimate time inside Michael's head (again, Fan fiction ANYONE? Feed a starving woman!). He is the one who changed drastically on the outside, but not on the inside. He was always caring and strong and sweet, even as a ghost and then as a vampire. I feel like Eve became a little lost herself in the love she felt for Michael, which isn't bad but what does Eve actually want to do with her life? Other than being married to Michael and living happily ever after in a Vampire populated Morganville? I don't know really. Still she can handle herself in a fight and has a quick tongue, which we all appreciate.
Myrnin... Oh my love. I have loved you ever since you were first introduced. I will miss you a lot, and I hope you are happy with Lady Gray. I hope you don't accidentally kill her, and put her brain in a computer. Again. Though if that makes Rachel Caine write more Morganville books then by all means! It would also be extremely cool if Mrs. Caine were to write about the days before Morganville. How Morganville came to be, the lives of Amelie, Oliver, and Myrnin before Morganville and Claire, etc. I would totally BUY that. So many possibilities!
The ending was sweet, though expected. No real surprises but it's nice to see a series that you come to love end with a happy note for a change (after Allegiant I don't think I could have survive another tear jerker). The whole book was a really nice add to the world and ended things on a good note, giving the reader, and the residents of Morganville, some type of much needed closure. I wish there were more titles but if this is how things need to end then I approve of this book, and encourage EVERYONE out there to start reading the Morganville series. It is the kind of wild ride that you will never want to leave.

*ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Quotes subject to change.
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