Wow, that was the first thing that came to my mind, just wow. It's different than the other two, for one it has more color, which I like. Lauren Kate did hit the major jackpot with her cover artist. I specially like the contrast in the sky, the brownish with the dark blue. You get to see half her face too. All her covers are amazing!
Let's go on a little trip down Memory Lane...

They all are amazing! I don't even know which would be my favorite really, I like Torment a lot, but then I look at Fallen, and then I look at Passion... They all have this very Gothic look that I really like. It just works.
What's your favorite Fallen cover? What do you think about the Passion cover? Do you like it?
**EDIT: I found this at Book ♥ Soulmates, it's what Lauren has to say about the cover:
"When I started writing Passion, I knew the series was bursting into some very exciting uncharted territory. This chase backwards through time, with each chapter set in a different country and a different century across five thousand years is undoubtedly the most romantic, most intense, most…passionate book I’ve ever written–and I think you’ll agree it has the cover to match. I love the dramatic bursts of color, the intensity and desolation of the backdrop, and of course, the dress. It’s also the perfect book to show just a hint of Luce’s face. I am counting down the days until I can share the book with you, but in the meantime, I hope you love the cover as much as I do."I agree with her!! I see the passion in the colors, the cover is beautiful!!
PS; comment here and get an extra entry on my Goodbye 2010 contest ;)

I don't love the third cover as much as I do the first two...I adore the first ones and see that the third goes with them, but it's just not as striking to me. I'll still read it, though!
ReplyDeleteFallen is still my favourite. At first glance I didn't really like Passion the red letters and brown clouds I wasn't liking too much but the more I look at it the more I like it.
ReplyDeletePassion is my least favorite of the three. I don't really think it ties in well with the first two.
ReplyDeleteThe background on the third book is different from the first 2 books. On Fallen and Torment the sky is completely covered and there is mist/fog around, it gives the impression of winter.
ReplyDeleteOn Passion you can see the sky, it just seems odd. I think it would look better if they changed it so you can't see the blue sky.
But the colors complement each other so well! They are good colors xD
ReplyDeleteThink of it like this, maybe it's suppose to represent clearness in the story, life (as much life as you can get from the colors), new beginnings... Embrace the difference!! lol
The colors are nice, but I'm not sure about this one. I haven't read any of these books, so I don't know how the covers relate, but I like the first two covers a little more.
ReplyDeletel love this one more! I love the colours and the clouds behind her, great cover
ReplyDeletePassion's cover is very striking. I however, do not like the girl's arms in this one. They seem way too skinny and the coloring seems a little gross.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure about the Passion cover, but reading Lauren's description makes me like it more. I think Torment is still my favourite, but I'm warming up to the differences in the Passion cover. It's only making me more excited for the book haha.
ReplyDeleteThese are some great covers. The cover for book 1 is still my favorite of the bunch.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I spazzed about the first two covers, but not quite as much for the third. I like it, but not nearly as much as the others. Looking forward to reading all of them soon though.
ReplyDeleteI actually like the story behind the covers. It shows how the girl changes from not showing her face to showing some of it. Thanks for sharing this with us.
ReplyDeleteI'm sad to say I actually don't like the cover at all. I think the girl on the cover looks so painfully thin. I loved the previous two covers but Torment was my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI saw this tonight when I was randomly looking at my Goodreads "to-read" list. And then again on Lauren's blog when I finally checked my Google Reader.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the extra color is just brilliant on this cover. :) It's gorgeous!
Ive been reading comments on this cover all freaking day long, and I guess with this cover is a either you love it or you don't lol
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure which one I like best. This is the first time I saw the cover for the third book and it kind of took my breath away. Tough choice because they're each so beautiful. It's a draw for me...
ReplyDeleteEeh, I don't love the new cover. It's nice, but I don't like it anywhere near as much as the previous two. This new one looks more digitally altered, and I don't like that very much. I also don't like how different it is from the first two with the added colors.
ReplyDeleteI think I like more this cover than the others. Maybe because it's more colorful. But I haven't read her books so I don't really know if it's fits the story.
ReplyDeleteI like how the cover follows the theme pretty well. I'm personally not sure of the colors. I saw the original art where the clouds weren't added and I think I may like that better. I'm interested to see if my opinion changes after reading the story. My favorite so far is Torment. Gorgeous covers nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteI ADORE this new cover! It is definitely different than the other two. I think it is the splash of color. But I think that makes it POP more!
Not loving Passion's cover. The girl's body looks sort of out of proportion and I'm not fond of covers with faces really, overall.
ReplyDeleteOut of the other 2, I prefer Torment. Fallen just seems a bit bleak...
I think it fits the story that Passion will tell perfectly. Passion is a different type of story than Fallen and Torment, hence the different colors and different position of the girl.
ReplyDeleteLiking very much the brownish clouds and the rose.
This series has some of the most lovely covers :)
ReplyDeleteThese covers are so pretty. Unfortunatley when I read Fallen I just could not get into it. I liked it but it just was missing something to me. I wanted to like it so I could buy these books because the covers are awesome.
ReplyDeleteI love the covers to her books the colors are very pretty! Her covers are one of my favorite I really enjoy her books :)
ReplyDeleteLauren Kate's novels really do have beautiful covers. That is what has drawn me to them and placed them on my TBR shelf, but I haven't gotten to them yet.
ReplyDeleteI love the cover, the only thing I ahve a problem with is the dress skirt. I liked the skirt on the other two books better. OVer though, I absolutely love the Passion cover the best. Who know maybe new cover means new revelations and a new beginning in the book!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love these covers and they look even better together as a set! I've only read the first book so I have some catching up to do. I always enjoy finding the meaning behind the different elements of the story.
ReplyDeleteI think Passion's cover is definately the ugliest one out of the three =/
ReplyDeleteI love the cover of Passion. I've loved all the covers. I picked up Fallen just because of the cover and I was a virgin when it came to YA. The only thing that confused me was the hair since she chops it off in Torment. But a friend and I worked it out that if she's going back in time, her hair would naturally be long in the past.
ReplyDeleteI think she lucked out with the covers as well. Her cover artist must have read the books before he/she designed the covers. So many times the covers don't match the books at all!
Heather R.
I like the idea of adding color, but I don't feel like the Passion cover pulled it off. The girl looks to...plastic? drawn? fake? It just doesnt work for me. I was looking through the artist's other pictures, and there were some that I liked a lot more than what was picked and edited for the cover of Passion.
ReplyDeleteI personally don’t like it that much either. I don’t like the color of the clouds in the background that they added. I also don’t really like the pose of the girl all that much. For those who’ve read the series you’ll know that a white peony plays a roll. So why do they have the girl holding a red rose on the cover? Little things I know but it adds to the whole picture. This is my least favorite. From my understanding the author says this is the most passionate book, and that’s why they added the colors. Since passion is colorful? I guess. But I still don’t care, my least favorite with Torment being my favorite. They could have done so much better. Oh well, these aren’t my favorite books anyways. Maybe they’ll save the better images for my actual favorite books. lol
ReplyDeleteI agree that Fallen and Torment are beautiful; I can't pick which one I like best. I love the blue in Fallen but the woman in Torment. I don't think the third is as pretty at all but love the color of the clouds.
You are definitely right. Passion has this really nice cover. My favourite cover in the Fallen series would have to be of Torment. I just love the way she is standing and her dress is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteEven though i am yet to read Torment i still can't wait for the third book.
I didn't like the latest cover at first, but after takign a second look at them all, I can kinda see where they're going with it. She's hiding her face entirely on the first, meaning she doesn't know who she really is or whatever; the second one, her face is uncovered, but we can't see it, still some mystery; the third one is about revelation, I think. Of course, i haven't read the series yet, so this is all a guess. :}
ReplyDeleteI think the covers keeps getting more and more awesome.
ReplyDeleteI liked the first cover and after the second I did not think it could get better. But I was wrong this cover is absolutely gorgeous! If the story match the cover it's gonna be unforgettable.
I LOVE the first two covers...not as thrilled with the third. I reall need to read these!
ReplyDeleteI like the covers for all of them, but the first two are still my favorites. I like the dark look they have to them, how it doesn't show her face at all. It makes it look like the girl could be anyone, not just Luce. The dresses on the first two covers are also really pretty, whereas the third cover isn't as stunning. The second is my all time favorite because it's a light color but the feel of it is really dark.
ReplyDeleteUhm. I love the first two covers, but I don't like the third one as much as the previus ones. I don't know why, it's just a gut feeling.
ReplyDeleteThe book description, though... This chase backwards through time, with each chapter set in a different country and a different century across five thousand years... ...does she want to *kill*us with anticipation, or what?
I love the covers especially the first one (Fallen). Still waiting for the release of the third book.