January has basically come and gone, and as usual I got nowhere in my TBR pile. *sigh* Every year the list gets longer and longer, and I am nowhere even close to bridging the gap... that doesn't mean you can't however. Here is a list of the titles that came out this January and which I hope to be able to read very soon:
Another title by Alyxandra Harvey author of the very addicting Drake Chronicles. Now to be honest witches haven't always been up high in my "favorite supes" list but I am willing to give them another shot under the pen of miss Harvey, she might yet surprise me and deliver a witchcraft story that wont put me to sleep.
Yet another re telling of Beauty and the Beast... only this time the Beauty might be out to kill the Beast. That little piece sounds very intriguing, I am just hoping that the rest of the novel doesn't become this big mess of predictability.
This one I am interested in because the summary sounds pretty fascinating. It reminds me a bit of Tandem, a novel that even months after finishing it I still think about every now and again.
January Sequels:
After the dirty trick Cole did in Everbound I am more than anxious to see how Brodi Ashton is going to finish this story!
Joelle Charbonneau's The Testing was a sweet little surprise last year. Thus I cannot wait to sink my claws into Independent Study which is sure to be as mindlessly entertaining as it's previous installment ... or so I hope anyways.
While I have to admit I have yet to read Deep Betrayal I did enjoy the first book in the series, Lies Beneath. This series is one of the few mermaid series out there that managed to capture my attention, it delivered in more ways than one and because of that I shall continue to read, and encourage others to as well, the series.
Uuuuuh! ERASED!!! How I have waiting for the sequel to Altered patiently is beyond me. Altered had a perfect mix of adventure and riddles, reminding me in part of the better days of the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson.
These are only the YA titles. Another book I waited patiently for this year was Up from the Grave, the last night Huntress series. I already finished reading that one though T__T Such a sweet ending. So I guess I better decide which of these titles I am going to sink my teeth into next...

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