On sale July 12, 2011.
...So, what do you think? Isn't bad enough that the original series has no end? Or are you glad that they are making even more House of Night books with side characters? Are they doing this because they have a legitimate reason, or are they doing this because many other authors (Richelle Mead, Jeaniene Frost, etc.) have decided to take this route?
I like the cover of the book, but more House of Night? I don't know, it seems a bit too much. It's like more Twilight, only Twilight, in my opinion, is better so I would actually be glad to read it. Speaking of when is Stephenie Meyer going to release the stupid Midnight Sun book? She is being petty I swear to god. RELEASE IT WOMAN, make money, make us happy, be human. Also when is she ever going to write the second installment to The Host? Did her writing brain cells die? I swear sometimes some writers piss me off.
Lots of questions on my part, should make for an interesting debate ;)
Ps; Last day to sign up for the Goodbye 2010 Contest here at Bloody Bookaholic. With over 30 books, what are you waiting for?

I really like the cover but I don't think it's a good idea to write more books in The House of Night series even when it's with the side characters.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's the best to start something new.
Woah, seriously? A spin off? The series isn't even over yet!
ReplyDeleteId rather have more HoN then twilight. bring it on! id love to learn more of other characters.
ReplyDeleteYeah, my first reaction was "it's never going to end!" I read the first four books and then couldn't do it anymore, people keep saying its so much better now but really I don't want to go through 3 books to reach the really good one, that's not how this is supposed to work, they are supposed to ALL be really good or get better with each sequel.
ReplyDeleteAnd hearing news of this mini-series means that the main series is going to take longer to finish which probably isn't going to make many fans happy because my friend (big fan) is not happy having to wait so long between release especially when the last book was just under 300 pages.
I read three HoN books and then couldn't do it anymore. The characters were so...stagnant. I don't understand why she is doing a spin off when the original series leaves a lot to be desired. Plus, HoN isn't even over yet, from what I can tell.
ReplyDeleteSilly authors.
When HoN first came out, I really enjoyed it. And then it became shit. The whole series just needs to stop. Please, just stop. I don't even care about their back stories because I literally could not physically force myself to get past the first few chapters of Hunted.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, P.C. Cast, stop ruining everything.
I understand your concern about the House of Night not ending, but their only making 12 books so far they're in the 9th book, Destine is going to be the 10th and no offense to all the twilight fans out there. But I think your wrong, about being better than the House of Night series. Cause Twilight is all about a teenage girl falling with a sparkling vampire. While House of Night is about fighting for what you believe good and Evil. Giving everything to be with the one you love like Steve R. who is risking her friends for someone who may be evil. And the books also talks about tolerance,death of a fellow friends, and has characters who derives every culture even the gay community. Sure they dialogue is a bit off but teenagers sort of childish, even I sometimes say stupid stuff. LOL. So yeah, twilight about a girl falling in love with this dude who lives her and OMG can't get over him when he lives her. Than they get back together. And besides House of Night shows the dark aspect of the evil world out there in reality, just with a twisted shift in magic. But like I said is my opinion, everyone is entitle of their opinions. Hope I didn't get you offended. Just something to think about. Anyway, I love your blog, and I still respect everything you say.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there a spin off? HoN is not over or even feel close to over. More books means more time to wait for series to end. They should just let HoN die and start something new, HoN is going nowhere!! Everything is the same after 2 books! It is boring and side stories might just ruin characters that we still like... Some would be interesting, but I don't want to come to hate characters that I still love just bc a story is dragging. and the author may just be jumping on the band wagon off some author doing spin offs but HoN doesn't need it.
ReplyDeleteEeep. Tragic. Why. eh, whatever floats their boat but seriously why.
ReplyDeleteI like the cover. Never read any of the HoN books, though.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean. I mean this story is now bordering on ridiculous. Soon our reaction to these books will be "Oh, a new book. Oh, well i've heard that before. What else do you have?"
ReplyDeletePlus Stephanie Meyer is just being stupid about Midnight Sun. Just release the book and get over with it. She made the mistake of passing the book onto someone and then the 'broke her heart' and published it on the web. Woman! Just get over it. You can't go back in time!!
Hahaha longest rant here ever!
Oh no! A House of Night novella? Sounds like money-making to me. I think the HoN series is entertaining but not very good, I'm at book 6 now and I can only read one of those books and then take a major break from them or they would annoy the hell out of me.
ReplyDeleteThe authors should make up something new instead of writing background stories... they could post those on their website for the die-hard fans but there's not need to publish them in a real book... unless you really need the money :P
The cover is pretty but this book sounds pointless, the authors should just write the final book in the HoN series so we can all get it over with.
ReplyDelete@AlouyMartinez I understand that House of Night has good elements (like the battle between good and evil and stuff, as you said) but as to being entertaining that is where I begin to wonder. On the first few books yeah it was great, but now it just drags. They kill characters left and right, and sometimes they only do so to bring a spark to the series, which is very quickly put out when we return to the constant blah. I liked Twilight not because of the "message" it portrays (what message really though, it's just a tragic love story), I liked Twilight because it entertained the hell out of me (every book but Breaking Dawn; it was okay). The series was full of raw emotions. And sure it holds elements that I wouldn't normally dream to agree with (Bella in book 2) but on the other hand if you have read HON then you know that our heroine sleeps around and has 3 boyfriends at a time. I would take the pain of losing someone you love to this any time of the day.
ReplyDeletePlus their narration annoys me. Will I keep reading HON? Probably (when I start a series I must finish it). Am I dying to read HON? No fricking way. I'll review the books and give my honest opinion, but other than that I think the authors should just wrap it up and perhaps try, try again.
I'm not offended at all xD It was a great comment, a comment worth of a debate. I hope I have not offended you in any way with my reply. This is just my two cents.
Nope you haven't offended me in anyway. And I do like the Twilight series two, except Breaking Dawn, 'cauz it would've been fun if they would had have a fight with the Voltaire but the whole shaking hands and keeping it cool was not COOL. And you may be right, the HoN sometimes has those moments where your like okay too much already, but somehow is still addicting to read, or at least to me.
ReplyDeleteAnd besides I'm cool that books makes people talk about it, makes us show our opinions and all. That's what authors are fore, to give a good story that will make people talk, move their feelings towards good or bad. I like it. And Between you and I. I'm actually in the works of getting an agent to sell my first book, which will end up only with five books. Not trying to make it big. N I hope that if an agent picks me up. I will love for you to tell me your opinion. LOL. N as it looks that may be pretty soon. N thanks again. your blog is amazing.
Oh god Taschima you kill me. "Did her writing brain cells die?" I can't stop laughing. But you're totally right. What's wrong with her?! Where's Midnight Sun? Come on, it's been a very long since that happened. Just finish it already. And The Host sequel, where's that too? It had potential, but NOO oh no. She stop writing altogether. Stephanie Meyer can be so annoying
ReplyDelete@AlouyMartinez Aw good luck!!!
ReplyDelete@Sil Hahahaha thanks girl, to be exact it was in 2008, 3 fricking years ago. About the same time that The Host released also, May 06, 2008. She has stopped writing, all she is doing is sitting back and enjoying the cash flow. All her updates in her site are about the Twilight Movies, or a new TWILIGHT GUIDE! OMG like there ain't about a thousand of them.
Stephenie Meyer said in an interview (for a couple of months ago) that she wasn't going to finish midnight sun.
ReplyDeleteOn a list of upcoming releases provided by Literary Escapism, they have Host #2 & #3 as being a 2012 release.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to learn more about the side characters in HoN, but not sure if they warrant separate books. I will probably read this when it comes out though. Definitely prefer more HoN to Twilight any day!
ReplyDeleteOmg... no midnight sun... gosh that's annoying ! I really wanted to see things through Edwards eyes, but no she's being a douche and getting all huffy about it. Why is she letting a few silly people stuff it for everyone else? *sighs*
ReplyDeleteWell, when I first read HoN I didn't really like it, but now it has grown on me, and I would prefer HoN over Twilight any day of the year.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking very much forward to this one :)
Besides, if you had done just a little research you would've known that there will (only) be 12 books in the official series - and then it's going to be filmed.
Seriously, do your "homework" before calling it a never ending story ...
@Zena and that is just a darn shame! I would have really enjoyed reading Edward's side of the story.
ReplyDelete@Lisa Yeah they also have them at Goodreads and stuff, but deadlines can be pushed back...
@alittleweirdo Some people prefer HON some people prefer Twilight, it's basically pick your poison fest lol
@0j I have no idea lol she must have her reasons though!
@Jamii- T I know this series has to come to an end eventually, and I also know where to look for the info as to when exactly it's finishing. The never ending comment was purely for comic effect and to shed light into just how much they have milked the cow out of this series that should have ended a couple of books ago.
HON also has grown on me, I mean I still buy the books and keep up with their news, but I also think it's just has gone on for far too long and for what? Money? They are sacrificing good material for a few bucks. Then again if you were an author and your series got big like this one wouldn't you think of doing the same? I guess I shall never know since being an author is not on my bucket list. Or maybe Im totally wrong! The thing is we don't know why author's do the things they do and the only thing we have left to do is to wonder, and go from there. Or wait till they spill the beans.
Sorry if I have offended you in any way with my original post or this comment even, I didn't mean to, I just say it like it is.
I love the House of Night series! and although I agree that the Cast girls should try to write something different, I want to know about the other characters - eg Dragon, and why did he refuse to accept Raphaim's apology? Plus I don't understand how you think it drags? Admittedly, Zoey has a few problems handling boys...but who doesn't?
ReplyDeleteAnd about Twilight, well, I don't think thats any kind of a factor here. That's a good series, but so is this.
PS hope I haven't offended anyone here x
Noo, it's bad enough I had to suffer through the last 8 house of night books, listening to Zoey's childish talk and have her whine about all the guy that are obsessing over her (which i still don't understand considering she is written with a dull personality and an inability to make up her mind) but now they're making another series plus probably like 50 more books of the original. Ugh, I really wish I could just give up on a series. But I always need to know how a story ends... and I'll be surprised if this story EVER ends -.-
ReplyDeleteOMG just shut up like seriously H.O.N is way better then twilight H.O.N doesn't have sparkling vampires like seriously of all vampire history thats really stupid and the 8th book of H.O.N is way better cause they finally has Neferet P.O.V and you can finally understand who she is and about dragon oath you do not know how manny true fans cant wait for that book like it tell the story of how dragon and anastasia meet its really exciting
ReplyDeleteYa'll Need To Chill! Honestly All The New Vampire Series Is Because Of Twilight. Twilight Seems Like Its Way Better Cause Theres Only 4 Boooks And Everyone Wants More! No One Has To Beg These Authors Because They're Getting More And More To Feed Off Of! That's How I Felt Before Tempted Came Out. They're All Wonderful Authors And It's Amazing How They Can Keep SO Many People Happy With Just One Series. (: You Got To Think Optimistic!