So let's start this ball rolling, shall we? This are the highlights from BEA day 1:
- Exhaustion like no other. My feet, my arms, my back, my eyes, my fingernails... everything hurt to an extent by the end of the day. Me and my roommates woke up at 5 am and got to the Javits around 6am. The Javits was as always beautiful, not a long line at that point but there was about 5-6 people in front of our group. Here are some pictures:
The Penguin Truck!! The infamous LINE. - Authors, authors, authors... Of course, what is BEA without the authors? Here are some of the author/book highlights of the day!
Elizabeth Scott (Heartbeat), Julie Kagawa (The Iron Fey series + The Immortal Rules),
Katie McGarry (Pushing The Limits), and Amanda Sun (Ink)Amanda Sun, author of INK an amazing series about paper gods, kendo clubs, and sizzling Japanese style romance. Katie McGarry, my own personal contemporary goddess, author of Pushing the Limits and Dare You To. Diana Peterfreund, author of For Darkness Shows the Stars, signing Across a Star Swept Sea. Lauren Kate, signing her new book Teardrop! James Dashner, author of The Eye of Minds. And those are just SOME of the highlights! There were a lot of other great authors, but most of the time I was too star struck to remember to take pictures!! - BEA Bloggers! The best part of BEA, even better than the books, or seeing the authors, or meeting your online connections in the industry, was getting to hang out with my fellow bloggers and friends. Without them, well, the trip would have still been good because of the amazing books, but it would have been dry. Here are some of the greatest people you will ever meet:
Me on the left, Lexie from Poisoned Rationality to the right. Tegan (Lexie's little sister) from Poisoned Rationality, and Briana @BAM Book Reviews. Hannah, from The Irish Banana, to the right. Haley, from Booking it with Haley G. First year at BEA, first time I've met her! Ashley Evans @Nose Graze and Eileen @Singing and Reading in the Rain. Nicole from Paperback Princess. She was really excited! Chaz, my dear friend who attended BEA with me this year. He blogs right here @Bloody Bookaholic. - BEA has improved a lot from previous years. The lines were way more organized, maybe due to the increased amount of volunteers they had this year. The volunteers themselves were very nice people who did their work as good as they possibly could. There was a good amount of chaos as well, but no such hazling like previous years :D
End of the day total amount of books: 36. It was a great first day, and this was the most amount of books I got in one day. The rest of the days were not more mellow, but I definitely had a bit of time between signings to relax for a bit and make lines early.
Stay tuned for recaps for days 2 and 3, not to mention the post-BEA Barnes and Noble event with authors Richelle Mead, Sarah Dessen, Rick Yancey, Marie Lu, and Andrea Cremer.

Maybe I'm just really stupid, but I don't know, so I'll ask :)
ReplyDeleteSo did you just get those 36 books for free? Or did you have to buy them then get them signed?
omg that looks FANTASTIC but also VERY tiring! was planning to go this year and got our passes and everything but couldn't go last minute. Hoping to go next year!
ReplyDelete- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf
@Saru Garg
ReplyDeleteThe books were for "free", sort of. Most of them anyways. We bloggers had to pay a fee to get into BEA, and after we get into the autographing lines we are encouraged to leave a $1 donation per book we get, which really isn't so bad.
Oh, ok! Thanks Taschima! :D
ReplyDeleteI wanted to go this year, but couldn't maybe next year and we can hang out again!
ReplyDeletePiece of content.Thanks for discussing.I like it very much.
*dreamy sigh* Sounds amazing!
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo jealous! Someday I will make it there. Someday.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a terrific time!
Tasch! I loved hanging out with you. The Harlequin Teen breakfast was so awesome. I hated leaving early, but you can't miss the opening moments of BEA! Fantastic recap - I hope you do more days! :)