I just got back from work so I may be a LITTLE bit late (don't burst my bubble) but better late than never!
Today was the release day of First Drops of Crimson, a completely new spin off series from The Night Huntress Series (an awesome series indeed). If you have been following my latest posts you will know I had a pretty good interview with dear Jeaniene were we talked about the series, her characters, and basically her. We had a lot of fun and it really gave me insight into the heart of the series.
Also the giveaway for a signed copy of whatever-book-you-want-of-Jeaniene's-series is STILL open, but there are only 5 days left. *Eeeeks* You better get in on that because it's a one time opportunity thing!
ps; It's international.
pps; Let's sing!
Happy birthday dear book,
Happy birthday dear book,
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday dear book!
I'll stop now...
Tomorrow you must stop HERE! Because it;s my day on the 28 Days of Winter Escapes thing and Anna Godbersen is going to be present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shrieks like a fan girl*...*composes self* As I was saying, you must be here because... well, it's important. So just pass by and enjoy
See ya!

Ooo...I want this book! And I'll definitely stop in tomorrow to see Anna! Lol.