I am happy to say that I will be accepting requests from whoever wants to become an affiliate with Bloody Bookaholic.
Now here are the perks
~Your blog button (if you have one) will be posted on the sidebar.
~You will be added to my blogroll and marked as an affiliate.
~You will have the option of writing a guest post each month. This post can be about virtually anything book-related, or it can simply be an update about what's going on on your blog. **Note:** I reserve the right to edit the post if I feel it is not appropriate for my readers. If any changes are made, the author will be notified before the post and will have the option of revoking the post.***
~If you want and will send me the information I will update my readers on events going on at your blog.
~We can discuss further perks if you come up with any.
Applicant Criteria
~You have to have a voice of your own.
~You have to be ACTIVE. That means post more than 5 times a week (including weekends). If you disappear without giving a reason why and don't post for more than 2 weeks I will have no choice but to eliminate you from the Bloody Affiliates list. If you do return and wish to be added again you will have to email me and let me know.
~Your blog has to have something in common with mine. For example my blog is mainly about the Supernatural/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, Young Adult with some Adult novels on the side. I will check your blog and become familiar with it before accepting or declining.
~I will try to answer all requests. Don't take offense if you aren't accepted. It just means you need more time to grow and develop. Also I cannot accept everyone xD
Now this is a two way street, if you become my affiliate I become yours and the perks go both ways. I think this is something we can all benefit from and we can come to know each other better as bloggers working together.
If you wish to try this out and become a Bloody Affiliate then fill out this form.
Happy Reading!