Here are nine (!) titles that are going to be released within the next week:
If you are looking for a stand alone title...
I am currently reading Solitaire, and even though I found the beginning to be slow and quite mind numbing after the 25% mark it starts getting very interesting (mostly because the author finally explains why the main character is such a downer). It is about this depressing sort of girl who is living out her teenage years in a shell of her own making, not wanting to get close to people, hating everything and everyone, including herself. It is a very dark and often times depressing look at the teenage years, and then a ray of light starts to come out... I dare say the first 25% may be worth it. I am very interesting in reading Where Sea Meets Sky because it says to be a true depiction of your 20s (and I am currently going through those soo).
If you are looking for sequels...
I LOVE Chronicles of Nick! Such a boy series to read, but at the same time not. It is much fun and I love how it connects to Sherrilyn's adult series. I have yet to read Elusion (first book to Etherworld), Prophecy (first book to King), or even Dorothy Must Die (first book to The Wicked Shall Rise)(though I really need too, heard such good things). I need more hours in the day!
If you are looking to start a brand new series...
Currently Reading:
Reading Queue (list of books I WISH I could read at the same time):
For even MORE releases please visit my Pinterest at: TaschimaCullen.
In it I have individual boards dedicated to YA Releases from 2014- onward by month of release. I update it daily :)

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