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Bloody Bookaholic's Commandment:

Thou Shall Read Till Thy Eyes Bleed

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Recent YA Releases: Week of March 1st-March 8th

A brand new month just started, and here I am already looking for ways to make your bookshelf cream "uncle!". Here are 11 titles that release today, or are going to be released within the next week:

If you are looking for sequels...

The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2)
The Winner's Crime is definitely worth the wait. I read it within 24 hours, and it broke me. It was fantastic, and that ending! After The Winner's Curse made me fall in love with the series I thought it was going to be hard to top it, but The Winner's Crime is even better. And if you haven't even read The Winner's Curse... BUY IT NOW. YOU MUST READ IT IMMEDIATELY! =D

The Crimson Gate (The Violet Hour, #2) Sorceress (Spellcaster, #3) Kin (Tales of Beauty & Madness, #3) Death Marked (Death Sworn, #2)
 I Sequel to The Violet Hour I Sequel to Steadfast I Sequel to WayfareI Sequel to Death Sworn

If you are looking to start a brand new series...

Breaking Sky The Storyspinner (The Keepers' Chronicles, #1)

If you are looking for a stand alone title...

The Memory KeyCrow Moon

If you are looking for Novellas...

Harmonic (Dissonance, #1.5) The Wizard Returns (Dorothy Must Die, #0.3)

I have at least four of these bad boys already queued up in my Kindle, #SelfChallenge #ReadALLTHEBOOKS
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