Title: Out for Blood
Author: Alyxandra Harvey
Series: The Drake Chronicles
Book #: 3
Pages: 304
Reading Level: YA
Published Date: December 21, 2010
Publisher: WalkerBFYR*
Book Rating:

Cover Rating: 

Hunter Wild is the youngest in a long line of elite vampire hunters, a legacy that is both a blessing and a curse at the secret Helios-Ra Academy, where she excels at just about everything. Thanks to her friendship with Kieran Black, Hunter receives a special invitation to attend the coronation of Helena Drake, and for the first time, she sees the difference between vampires that must be hunted and vampires that can become friends-or even more.
When students at the academy fall victim to a mysterious illness, Hunter suspects they are under attack from within. She will need someone she can trust to help her save the future of Helios-Ra . . . help that shockingly comes in the form of Quinn Drake, a drop-dead gorgeous vampire. Who said senior year would be easy?
Taschima's POV:
As always a little background first. Out for Blood is the third book in the Drake Chronicles preceded by Hearts at Stake which was about Solage, the first girl vampire to be born in the Drake Family, and her best friend Lucy, a normal human with careless parents, and after that one came Blood Feud the story of Isabel Croix, a French girl who was turned against her will and sought revenge, and Logan, a Drake brother who is romantic and likes to dress like a pirate.
Hearts at Stake was great, Blood Feud was okay, and Out For Blood is awesome. Out for Blood is the story of Hunter, a girl with talent who is a vampire hunter, and Quinn, the charismatic Drake brother who always gets all the girls. That is until his eyes wander to Hunter and he becomes perplexes by her. He wants to go out with her, to kiss her, to taste her. But don't think of him as only a ladies man, he would also protects his family, specially his little sister, until his very last breath.
Hunter on the other hand, though attracted to Quinn, has bigger problems on her hands when evil vampires start attacking the vampire hunters school and everybody left and right start dropping like flies because of this weird flu. Soon enough Quinn and Hunter will have to work together to figure out what exactly is going on with both the attacks and the sickness. And while they are doing that why not have a bit of fun too?
I thought this book was awesome! I loved Hunter's character, and also loved Quinn. He is a sweetheart. One of my complaints with Blood Feud was that the book was way too concentrated on the girl and so Logan's character kind of was left in the back burner, but I think that with this book Alyxandra redeemed herself. Sure we get more Hunter time than Quinn time, but at least we get to see him be, well, himself. We get to know him, and that is what ultimately counts. And Hunter totally has the vampire slayer thing down (Quinn often teases her by calling her "Buffy").
Out for Blood is a well balanced ride. You got your action, mystery and romance ready to go. And trust me you want to go. It entertained me beyond belief, and I only read it in a couple of days at most (I would have happily read it in one sitting, but I was sort of busy with real life). The romance was believable! There was no "I met you and I love you", the romance grew with the characters, and it wasn't rushed. Yay! And also, as always, you get too see old characters and other plot lines evolving in the background. I'm telling you, I think the Drake Chronicles is like a Black Dagger Brotherhood but for Young Adults that concentrates more on the female character.
Finally, if you have the chance to read this series go ahead! It's fast paced, light reading that you won't regret. Out for Blood made my day.
Other Books in this Series:
Click each book for my review.

*Walker Books for Young Readers
I can't wait to read this!