Original - New Cover to be Released
Now, this is not the first time, nor the last, that something like this has happened. But I can honestly say I am extremely bummed. First of the original covers have more color to them, the new covers are super bright and only feature the male protagonist of each book (even though the series has a female main character). I just find the new covers extremely.... boring (the guys are hot sure whatevs).
Also, not a fan of the font.
I had gotten attached to the original covers, and I figured this far into the game there wouldn't be a cover change. I was so wrong. Here is the cover for Every Last Breath:

Again, snooze. It didn't get me excited. I am thrilled the book is coming out, but honestly I may just buy this one in e-book version and move on with my life. Because, as you may have noticed, this new cover will not match the rest of the series I already own #BookGeekIssues
...and that rubs me the wrong way. I hate when they do this, and you never quite see it coming. I don't see how someone would be attracted to the new covers without having been a Jennifer L. Armentrout fan to begin with. To each his/her own I guess.
To summarize, new covers suck. Will be buying e-book, but not print copy. Don't need the clutter, don't want to see the covers clash.

I'm SO agreeing with you!! I was waiting for an awesome cover - and then they came up with new ones! :'( They aren't really pretty and they all look the same to me. What happened to the awesome covers? I hate cover changes during the series...the last book won't fit into my shelf. But I'll still buy it, bc it's JLA <3