Is this all we are? Continual actions and reactions? No control over our futures? One pink slip and we lose our house and I lose my father? One decision to date the wrong guy and I lose Jax and Kaden? One step off the wrong curb and my life is entangled with a stranger's?
If that's true, then life is one pathetic and sick game.
I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you and I don't know how to make you better. I'm in love with you and I shouldn't be. I'm in love with you and once you figure out who I am, you're not going to love me. I'm in love with you and I seem to fuck up the ones who love me back.
Take Me On follows the same sort of set circumstances that the past novels have. Boy and girl in fucked up places in life? Check. Circumstances that makes them have to spend time together? Check. Attraction? Oh hell yes checked. But even though on the surface it may feel like a formulaic way to write a novel what matters is the execution. And boy does Katie McGarry nails it. I mean, if we are going to talk about formulaic then look no further than one of my other favorite series The Black Dagger Brotherhood, and that series is on their 12th book and not stopping for breath! What both series have in common is that the authors are good writers and they know how to make you look past the formula and into the itty gritty parts of the novel.
I am immensely enjoying Take Me On, the fourth book in the Pushing the Limits series. I love Haley, she is bossy and smart and knows what she is doing. West, as Haley says, has a lot of heart. I think he is, stupidly, blaming himself for what happened to Rachel. He feels like he doesn't belong with his family, like he failed them, and since his father can act like a total prick he doesn't make things easier. I like them together, I like how they push each other. I like them so much I wouldn't mind reading another novel from their POV. Now that's love.

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