"Chasing a killer through different universes."
That is basically the gist of this new series. I like the prospect of different universes that make the author come up with a lot of different (perhaps even exciting) settings and characters. I liked Claudia Gray's Evernight series, I just hope this one title fares better than Fateful.
"The second installment in our epic Starbound trilogy introduces a new pair of star-crossed lovers on two sides of a bloody war."
All I have to say is that I really want to read These Broken Stars, which I currently have but haven't had the pleasure/time to pick up. I really do like the covers for this series though. I like the blend of color, and I think I like the cover for This Shattered World even more than These Broken Stars.
Starbound Series Covers:

This is my FAVORITE cover of this series! I love the title and the green colors and the face with the flowers and the hair of the character... it's just such an awesome cover. I read The Raven Boys, and REALLY liked it, have The Dream Thieves on my TBR shelf as well... but I might just wait for Blue Lily, Lily Blue to drop before continuing to read the series.
The Raven Cycle Series Covers:

The Lotus War Series covers:

Rating of covers:




They are all very lovely, but A Thousand Pieces of You takes the cake.

Wow Maggies cover is fantastic!